English** Discontinued ** How to use HP SDS BlackBox
EnglishAdding a Data Collector slot
EnglishAdding Alternative Identifiers to devices (Device ID, Serial Number & Model)
EnglishAdding Contacts to your Account
EnglishCan not install .Net Framework 4.7.2 or higher. What to do then?
EnglishData Collector and auto caching proxy
EnglishData Collector stops randomly. Why is that?
EnglishData Collector Troubleshooting Guide
DanishDer er informationer man ikke kan se fra printeren
EnglishDirect URL to account, printer, report, view etc.
EnglishEasy navigation - view same report for other customers easily
EnglishEnable Kyocera, TA and UTAX printers for tier counting
EnglishEnable Traps in HP printers using the HP TrapSetup 1.0 program.
EnglishHide account in Dealer dashboard
EnglishHow do I get a new password?
EnglishHow often is the Dashboard and other pages updated?
EnglishHow to add Contact information to a device.
EnglishHow to add extra Network Range on an account
EnglishHow to change number and date formats for XML and CSV reports/export
EnglishHow to create a new Customer in JetAdvice Manager
EnglishHow to create a Supply Alert
EnglishHow to create a User
EnglishHow to create Real Time Alert report for Silent Devices?
EnglishHow to create unique Supply Alerts
EnglishHow to define specific printers to be collected
EnglishHow to delete a Data Collector
EnglishHow to delete a User
EnglishHow to edit Report start and end date
EnglishHow to enable Traps on a HP printer using Telnet
EnglishHow to find the Data Collector config file
EnglishHow to get only specific printers collected?
EnglishHow to get printer Traps in JetAdvice Manager?
EnglishHow to get Real Time Supply Alerts on dashboard
EnglishHow to move data collector to a new Server or PC
EnglishHow to receive alerts for Offline Data Collectors
EnglishHow to reinstall the data collector on new/same Server or PC
EnglishHow to remove proxy settings in the Data Collector
EnglishHow to search in JetAdvice Manager?
EnglishHow to see if a supply alert are sent?
EnglishHow to see new devices on the account
EnglishHow to see previously sent reports and supply alerts
EnglishHow to see which devices which is discovered and collected in a specific network range
EnglishHow to see which level status are received from the supplies
EnglishHow to Show an Alert if it has been hidden.
EnglishHow to speed up Discover and Collect on a new Network Range
EnglishHow to stop the Data Collector collecting data.
EnglishHow to use different Community names on the same network range
EnglishHow to use Levels
EnglishHP Hot Fix released for HP supplies not updated in JetAdvice Manager using FS 4.10 firmware
EnglishHP printer do not have any Mono or Color counters or counters are not updated after 21-04-2016. Why is that?